
This is what happened to a friend on the holy eve of Valentine's day.

She went out with a guy on a date and the jerk ruined her evening by being with his EX..on the phone, of course !!! 
What eh loser !!!

I am not a dating rule book, but I think the love guru has to spill out some gyaan now.
This applies to both guys and girls! This can be generalized too.

Never engage yourself in long telephonic conversations on a date/dinner outing/party/meeting/lunch/brunch. Specially if you have company!! 

1. duh!!!!! Its impolite.

2. Its rude.

3. Be considerate to the emotions of the person you are with. He/She also thought about having some fun and quality time out, so planned the whole thing. Its just stupid, to be not considerate. And I think if you do not understand the obvious hints like playing with the menu card, toying with the cell phone, staring into thin air, etc, then you are so not suited for this thing. You better be hanging out with your EX or other friends.

4. Its selfish.

5. Even if you care about the person on the phone (which is understandable), it gives out many wrong notions to the other person who is sitting opposite to you.

6. Attending to a telephone call, specially from an EX just diverts/distracts one. A total spoiler.

7. It's just waste of time. For you, your EX and specially the poor soul sitting across, who could have had a lot of fun watching a romantic comedy instead!!

I hope the point has been driven straight into your brains.
Never do that to anyone. It's outright stupid!!!


Car-waar and all


pinder ponder