Oh no, its not about the "band" !! Am I that obvious ?

For days, I had heard about the St. Patrick's day celebration, and when the chance came upon me, I had no plans. My roommate was equally excited, but St. Paddy's needs crowd and not company!!
Last minute plans (this also included 3 females getting ready in record 30 minutes, on a Sunday morning) were hatched and we (a crowd of four) headed to the South side of the city. It is supposedly the best and most famous parade of the city.

Never ever I have seen people involved in merrymaking, especially in the US. My notion of Americans is, that they are reserved kind of people. May be I am too presumptuous.

The train was full of boisterous crowds singing, dancing, drinking (beer, even though its not allowed :|) and having fun. There was a group at the entrance of our car, who made everyone going out and coming in dance. They were all dressed up in bright shades of green with funny hats, matching beaded necklaces, nail enamels, head bands, scarves, eye shadows, wrist bands, shamrock necklaces, and even green footwear. Oh well, we were also carrying teeny weeny bits of green with us.

As soon as we reached the parade venue, we were caught into the frenzy. I eagerly started looking for shops selling shamrock head bands. Luckily I found a lady selling those and bought myself nice springy shamrock green head band. I was also a part of the crowd now. So contagious was the merry feeling. 

The parade was about Irish culture, their traditions. It consisted of the most graphic and sonorous Irish bagpiper bands. If you think men cannot carry off skirts, think again! I think the way Irish men looked changed that for me, as they were looking more manly in those skirts. And the bagpipers, oooohhh.. The sounds are still ringing in my head (ears is it ? :|). There were other bands too, with drums and heavy beats. They somehow reminded me of a lazy Saturday morning and school grounds. We all have gone through those PT days.

There were groups of kids doing the famous Irish dance (I want to learn!!!!). There were leprechuan masked people, circus folks, Irish sheriffs. Irish traditional cops, on horses and ponies were also there. The best were the Irish wolfhounds. They looked so adorable and really tall. I could not touch or cuddle any, though :|

There were people distributing free beaded necklaces, candies (I got em all :D), balls. The ladies in front of us were really nice, who helped us get all this stuff. 

Our day ended on a dry note. Earlier it was decided that we would go to an Irish pub to see more merrymaking (yeah just to see). But hungry and growling stomachs came in our way. We dispersed without mentioning this.

But it was a nice change. Seeing green all over the place. The color of spring, may be :)
I was already missing holi. But the music, the color (though just one :)) made me feel good. I am going to add more green to my wardrobe now. And going to attend St. Paddy's day parades as long as I am in US (or countries where its celebrated). So what, even if I am not an Irish ?

~nightflier :)

This is me...


Quarantined !!!