milk-y way
I get up early in the morning and find to my dismay that my 2% reduced milk is over. Well no problemos, I can borrow it from my roomies'.
Surprisingly, their cans are empty too. Now that's co-incidence or whatever. Since I have a busy day planned ahead, I decide to skip drinking milk for one day and buy it first thing in the evening.
So in this way I spend my early morning one hour thinking about no milk. I am suddenly restless, anxious, my brain has become super slow and its responses like that of an 8085. It is funny, because the more I think about not thinking, the more I think about it. Are you getting me? The urge to have a mug full of hot chocolate is so insatiable, that I get up and run to the store in my ugliest clothes. OK I do comb my hair.
So here I am. Another year ago if you asked for my 5 cents on drinking milk everyday, I would have given you the famous distasteful look, making you think 'omg, was it so offensive ?'
The same person, today, can not spend a morning without a mug of it. Astonishingly, milk has been one of those things I have been averted to since childhood. Again, I was not one of those over dramatic kids who would puke at the sight of it or pour it in the nearest potted plant or spill it deliberately or even barter it with siblings. But I was definitely one of those fussy kids who did not like the malaai (we call it saay in Marathi), the smell of it, or the prospect of having plain milk without any bournvita. Now we all know the nutritional values of milk, that it contains calcium which is essential for bones and blah blah blah. But its difficult to convince a stubborn ass who is hell bent on believing that the passage of milk from her mouth to her stomach makes it go through a lot of chemical processes (I could have been really gross there, but I value you as my reader. Anything for few comments :P) reducing the nutritional value to zilch. I even avoided eating milky sweets for the same reasoning.
And since my mother was (she still is) a firm believer in human rights (I owe it to you mommy), she never ever encouraged/scolded/forced me to change my habits or thinking.
Now I am one of those persons, whose day can not start without a mug of milk. Someone who needs a cup of coffee to take care of those long tired evenings. Someone whose reaction to an empty milk can has changed from that of pleasure to horrified disbelief. Have I really become so health conscious or is it just the laziness to eat something else and have a mug of hot chocolate which is easy to make instead ? I think its both.
So here I am, a 24 year old, addicted to milk. (I know my mother is going to be sooo proud.)
Sheesh.. I feel so wasted.
But its fun to walk the milk-y way. I am doing things I thought I would never do or like doing :)
~nightflier :)