superwoman on the prowl
There was a lull in the air after the exams. Everything was at a standstill, me being licensed to procrastinate now.
So the day started on the same dull note, with clever me smartly setting traps for the examstricken poor me. To get into the groove I had promised the roomie to go for an early morning shopping escapade and had soaked some sprouts to awaken the cooking creativity. Shopping got cancelled and sprouts turned out to be boring too. I turned my attentions to Gregory House. 2 episodes down and I could feel things kicking in.
And thus the superwoman was unleashed. This is what she did to achieve the super-stardom.
i. Invited 2 friends for lunch. This meant cooking and of course entertaining them, setting out dishes, washing utensils afterwards etc.
ii. Self grooming session. This involved first hair cut in the US of A. It was a pretty dull experience, but had a 'good hair day' afterwards. Exactly what I wanted.
iii. Roamed around the Devon avenue (Indian street) and bought some groceries.
iv. Travelled back alone. This involved a bus ride beside a creepy woman. :|
v. Another big round of monthly grocery shopping. This involved lifting bags totally unsuitable to my structure :D
vi. Did laundry.
vii. Arranged all groceries.
viii. Relaxed a bit with a looong shower.
ix. Made favorite dinner of dosa-chutney. The filler this time was chana masala. Nice combo :)
x. Cleaned the kitchen after all the mess.
xi. Threw all the after exam trash. Arranged stuff in order and put them in respective files.
xii. Searched for all the bills and settled bills on billmonk.
xiii. Replied to all the pending mails. Social networking accomplished!
xiv. Now writing a blog about it. (just to show off the superwoman powers :P)
On some days I just ask myself 'why ????' while on days like these I feel like 'Impossible is nothing!'
signing off,
your friendly neighborhood ;)