To the year that was..

To start something on a good note, one has to end something on a positive note ;)

With this thought in mind I started my 31st morning by getting up early. The sleep late in the night and get up in the wee hours of afternoon routine had to be changed. So I decided to twist it a little, to let it not become a thing of the future (many of us call it a new year resolution). Early morning sun rise with some kick-ass yoga session and a 2 course breakfast with NYT and TOI in 2 windows felt really awesome. The rest of the day that followed has been great. Finished a lot of pending work on a lot of fronts.

Now as I get ready for the dinner party with a bunch of friends, I realize instead of calling anything I decide as a resolution, I am going to call it a 'thing' I am going to follow (The word resolution sounds might scary to a person like me, who has a tendency to break one by the tick of the clock). So my 'thing' for 2010 is not to be lazy. On any front. Be it health, relationships, studies, getting up early or even finding myself a job ;)

On this note a big cheers to 2009! clink ;)
And I wish you all a super duper fantastic and wonderful year ahead.

lots of joy, sunshine and love,

of lost friendships


3 Idiots and the emotions it evoked