Does this happen with you ?
When a friend is telling you some story/incident and then you are in the same boat with them, in the river of memories, swaying nicely and then suddenly, a bifurcation comes and they leave the boat and start swimming in that direction. You also want to go with them, be there in the other stream where the memories are exclusively theirs, but you cant. Try as you might, but you are left in the pool to just look at the mirages. And do nothing.
Not that I envy them. But it would be nice once in a while to be a part of such story and not just a very good listener :P
Listening can be subjective. If its someone's woes where you can have a lot to say or pull out doses of advice, one can be the best listener. But such stuff, it just makes you wonder and teaches you to swim. May be ;)
P.S. I want to be a part of their reality to be a part of their memories..guess that settles it..such a nice friend I am ;)