this birthday's advance wish

'I need to be happy. I need to be secure. On my own.'

I don't compare my life with anyone's. Truth. I am human. Truth. But when I am deeply dissatisfied by/with some things (which I directly cannot change) around it happens automatically. A creepy feeling sits inside my head. And then I dread even getting out of bed. Like this Wednesday. I acted like a 6 year old who feigns illness to avoid school and stayed home. For no reason. I did some outdoor work just to let some fresh air inside my otherwise sodden head. The restlessness just did not go away. It remained. Some inventions in the kitchen helped. Staying away from the laptop and internet helped. 

So may be going ahead, I should wish to get rid of such Wednesdays. Initially may be just learn to avoid gracefully ? And for that 'I need to be happy. I need to be secure. On my own.'

An ok wish. You think ?


P.S. There was a slight chill in the air today. Also I wore socks to work today. Winter is coming. :)


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