one wish for today

It's allowed to be cheesy/soppy about oneself on birthdays. After all the hindi film values one has imbibed, it becomes mandatory.

So allowing myself the right of not growing up enough when required, I would say I grew up a long time back. On those little occasions when it was least expected.

Allison keys/clarke says, 'Sometimes the best way to move into the unknown is to take familiar steps, small steps. To do ordinary things to deal with something that is in no way ordinary. We're always going someplace new, all the time. Familiar things just let us pretend that we aren't moving into unfamiliar territory. You take those small familiar steps, and you try to be honest, not to live as if nothing had changed but still to go on with your life. But there are times when what you need is a piece of how things used to be.'

Oh and she is hardly 8. 
So I hope to talk to people, a lot of whom I have not been in touch with out of choice or otherwise, today. To feel familiar.

One last birthday wish this. Promise.



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