warm tidings of december

N1 said very nonchalantly 'I always knew I was no good with academics beyond a limit, so I dropped out of the race and did something I could really cope with'. We beamed at her proudly. It takes rare self-awareness at a younger age to arrive at such decisions. Of course her family never objected because they must be the 'coolest parents' ever! 

N2 said very self aware-ly (at 27 also some people don't really have that!), 'I was a mess in college. Thank god for family and later getting away from home, to be on my own, I outdid myself and am in a much better shape.' Not that I agreed completely, but then she was so point blank honest, it was almost endearing!

I said, 'I have always been restless. I always need to find out whys, sometimes on my own. And I guess that is for now my 'calling'. Plus being good at studies in childhood, kind of shaped my decisions this way'. They seemed to agree.

Of course, we evaluate ourselves for fun. (remember how the whole is way bigger than the sum of parts and all that?) After spending eons of time in each other's company, not really growing up (or the other way round?) the candid and sometimes non sensical views on things/people, bring you together. Even if for a few hours. Bind you again, may be.

The most amusing thing is how non-insecure and compassionate everyone is. Questions/comments over one's hair/clothes/anything else as well evoke hearty laughs. We judge each other over our overt sense of no-dressing-sense during school. The dogs/cats in one's life at that point suddenly come into picture. And that stupid snob from school, who 'shows off' for no reason, rather every reason, is a point of conversation too! We almost exclaim, together, 'dude everyone has that/does that these days. What's the big deal!' From guys/husbands to the other woman (read his mother) in the husband/boyfriend 's life gets discussed. And how 'to each his own' needs to be the motto of the human race, echoes off the walls. 

In all this, the hotel manager can't really stand what good time we are having (despite the crates of food ordered) so rudely sends off the bill (very Puneri I tell you). We move on, find a coffee shop entirely forgetting that 2 of us have an office too! 'Lets eat something so that we dont get kicked out again' happens and dessert gets ordered. Of course 3 by 1 happens. Amidst more nonchalance towards office and winding up conversations with silly dialogues 'tu bilkul nahi badli' (you haven't changed a bit, when so much in you has actually changed!) and corny poses, the morning fades.

Warm tidings indeed!
Met school friends after a while, one after 5-6 years, the other after 2 months. Never been a nicer way to end an year (at least now that I know!). If I am allowed to be corny once more (other than the pics of course), they truly have seen the real me! :D


The year in books


Secret Santa