
One chapter closes
Another opens
A break of sorts in between happens.
You brace the goodbyes
You long for the welcome
A break of sorts in between happens.
You sing a new tune
You lament a few notes
A break of sorts in between happens.
You brave the tears
You crave some smiles
A break of sorts in between happens.
Of known milestones
And unknown destinations
A break of sorts in between happens.
You close a door, to be reopened later
Another door awaits, to be opened sooner
A break of sorts in between happens.
Another job. Another change. I am getting good at this maybe.
Saying byes does not seem burdensome now.
Also, I have sent individual notes/mails to people who were part of life here, which strangely gives a sense of calm.
I feel somehow ready to take another plunge :D Of course after a break ;)

out-ing the day with an 8 month old..


Jack be nimble, Jack be quick..