
On sunday talked to a runner-friend about prisons. Built around ourselves. Making us come back or stay put over and over again. Counter acting forces when life is about moving on, not steadiness. Motion.
Crossed a tweet on my timeline which said something similar. Prison. No escape. Pretense.

Why do we do that ? When I came back from the US one of the stories in my head went like this - oh all my family and loved ones are here. I was paving way for my own prison. Never said it out loud to anyone. The long winded story involving a card sounded better. Plus less pity* and more you asked for it looks.

I still think about it sometimes. My family and loved ones being here. The comfort. Then I see a prison. I tell myself build one with an exit door. Leave when you fancy, come when you crave. Be whimsy. A little more than selfish. Because living inside self constructed walls must feel terrible. Lying to oneself by choice must feel even more bad. My prison is my doing. So I must learn to break it down and escape. Take help may be ?

"We construct our own prisons and spend our lives pretending there's no escape"



Weekend in pictures! - II