

Hi, my name is on the website URL, if you missed it. Written words have been central to all aspects of my life. Written words color all my lived experiences – from mundane, and bizarre to tragic and extraordinary. Writing helps me experience deeply, feel intensely, and perceive fully. And written words continue to shape and influence me. Through the published, shared experience of written words, I hope to connect with myself to become more self-aware and anyone reading. The posts on this site are now a witness to my existence since 2007, through various stages of my life.

Trivia about the title of the site. I encountered this word for the first time in the Dictionary of obscure words.

n. the temptation to step off your career track and become a shepherd in the mountains, following your flock between pastures with a sheepdog and a rifle, watching storms at dusk from the doorway of a small cabin, just the kind of hypnotic diversion that allows your thoughts to make a break for it and wander back to their cubicles in the city.