Its 7 hours to go now (INDIA time), when the book ll officially be released in some part of the world....
Its more than 15 hours to go now (again INDIA time), when I ll have my own copy in my hands!!!!
GOD......this is high testing time for me..
cos I have a few pirated copies of the book which I m so tempted to read, but cant lay my hands on, as I m bound by some stupid thought process of mine which says SAY NO TO PIRACY....
the righteous me always wins such battles...
cos now she knows that the lazy me wont maarofy fight to even open the pirated copies..
its just 15-16 hours to go right????
there are so many things at stake...
some bets to be won (which I am sure I'll win :D), much important work to be procrastinated..just so that I finish the book before all my friends before getting to know the climax and crux!!!
bets...hmmm...some interesting ones...
1. WHO ll DIE????
2. WHICH OF the PIRATED COPIES IS THE TRUE ONE ??? (well, I had to read a few pages of each to form an opinion :D, hope righteous me dint mind that :D)
I hope and pray that I win,I win,I win.......
well, actually its obvious, that I m going to win :D
losers be ready!!!
saw the fifth movie yesterday...really sad to know that how Rowling lets them make movies on her books!!!
I mean the movie had bits and pieces of the book...
but it surely refreshed the 5th book for me!
I was touched by the scene when Serius dies... :(
I was literally crying!!!!!

well, the anxiety and the excitement is so much to contain that I had to give it an outlet...
I wish I had it in my hands right now :-)



For the Greater Good!

