few points me..
1. I think its torture to have your ex-employer in your network (read facebook, twitter, blogger, etc). Its like having to have a forced relationship with your ex. Every time someone new (a new hire) enters their life, you have to learn to ignore it or bear the heartache of why not me ??? In case of an ex you at least have the liberty to make a choice and not stay in touch. But after all the fundas of social networking that you have gulped down, one feels obliged to not sever ties in such (employee-employer) cases. Its like having to wait for someone else (a new employer) to be actually able to move on. Life is hard. I hope I manage to remain civil until someone else comes along.
2. I had decided to be strong and not show any human emotions about the whole situation. It seems I have no control over myself :P So having started the post on a seemingly sad (not tear inducing sad, but a more literal bleh! sad) note, I need to take corrective action. So lately I am on this lets gain some pounds mission. I have always been for following a routine when it comes to a diet. Like eating healthy, fresh food 5-6 times a day. This time the difference is measuring the calories and making sure I surpass whatever is required for me to survive. Not difficult. But needs a good memory to keep track. So with stick notes in and around my space, I am surrounded by calories. Just that in this case, we are on the other side of the weighing scale. Rare, eh ?
3. Those of you who are up for documentaries and stuff, should definitely catch the show called Vanguard. I got interested in it when I read the news of a US journo getting detained in Korea and Bill Clinton flying down to rescue them and then the journo naming her kid after him. (I still think I got interested in the news in the first place cos of him..still find him kind of cute :P) Nevertheless, its very informative and opens you eyes to globalization in a new light. I am hooked to it as of now.
4. As my dreams start becoming more materialistic (like buying pretty clothes to make yourself feel good, accessorizing for no particular reason) and less spiritual, I wonder if this change is happening for any good ? Since I kind of spent all my pre silver jubilee years in 'I dont care about all the above things' philosophy, I think this was bound to happen. Life is all about balance. Hoping that I find the balancing zero average case sooner or later.
5. And I think there is a dearth of girl/female programmers in the world today (wow! I feel like I am talking for some humanitarian cause :P). That is one field girls should start taking seriously. I am bored of people rolling their eyes at me, when told that I can code in this, this and this language. I dont think girls have any less logical reasoning than guys. It is laziness and an attitude problem me thinks. We should not let the guys get away with all the emerging cool things. Please join the cause and dont grimace at the sound of coding. It can be fun if taken with a pinch of salt!
And thus I am done with my weekly updates. Dont forget to catch my movie recommendations and give feedback. Remember feedback is important in any social interaction venture. :P